British Columbia
- %urban points of service |%rural points of service*The Nova Scotia Centralized Abortion Network (NSCAN) can refer patients to primary care providers who can prescribe medication throughout the province, including in rural areas and through telemedicine. Primary care providers are not captured in Action Canada’s directory.%urban points of service |%rural points of service
- 90% urban population |10% rural population*Urban refers to census metropolitan areas and agglomerations (CMAs and CAs) in Canada. Rural refers to areas outside of CMAs and CAsPeople living in the Kitikmeot region of Nunavut can also access abortion through the Northern Options for Women program.
- 22 points of service per 1,113,785 women of reproductive age*Women, aged 15-49 (reproductive age as defined by the WHO). Source: 2021 Canadian census. Not all people who can get pregnant are women, but the data available only includes two gender categories.
- 27crisis pregnancy centre(s)*Crisis pregnancy centres (CPCs) are anti-abortion organizations that present themselves as clinics or counselling centres.
Data from the Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada.
- 22publicly listed point of service*publicly listed points of service*(both medication and procedural abortion offered)Data on the points of service, which includes clinics and hospitals that provide abortion care, are gathered from Action Canada’s directory. These numbers are up to date, but do not include all primary care providers who prescribe medication abortion.14point(s) of service for medication abortion13point(s) of service for procedural abortionFunctional gestational limit of25 weeksFunctional gestational limit of25 weeks*55% of the points of service only offer services up to 12 weeks gestation. One point of service offers services up to 25 weeks. This point of service may offer services up to 27 weeks + 6 days in certain cases, but for B.C. residents only.
Pregnancy Options Line: 1-888-875-3163 throughout B.C. or 604-875-3163 from the Lower Mainland. This service provides information, resources and referral for all abortion services, including counselling, available to B.C. residents. Sex Sense Line: 1-800-SEX-SENSE (1-800-739-7367) throughout B.C. or 604-731-7803 from the Lower Mainland. This service offers general sexual and reproductive health information, as well as referral to resources throughout B.C.
Pregnancy Options Line: 1-888-875-3163 throughout B.C. or 604-875-3163 from the Lower Mainland. This service provides information, resources and referral for all abortion services, including counselling, available to B.C. residents. Sex Sense Line: 1-800-SEX-SENSE (1-800-739-7367) throughout B.C. or 604-731-7803 from the Lower Mainland. This service offers general sexual and reproductive health information, as well as referral to resources throughout B.C.
No centralized system to assist the public in connecting with abortion servicesInformation about abortion is available on theprovincial/territorial websiteInformation about abortion is not available on the provincial/territorial website